If there is abusive behavior in your marriage, such as intimidation, threats, harassment, or physical violence, contact The Hotline or the NCCADV immediately. Or contact us at Cape Fear Law for help instating a legal protective order. The first signs of abusive behavior mean it’s time to get out. Don’t risk your life or your immediate family’s lives. 

As long as you feel safe in your marriage, join us as we explore the subtle cues and unmistakable indicators that may suggest it’s time to take action to end your marriage.


It’s difficult to face the fact that you’re possibly in a failing marriage. Recognizing the signs that it’s time to call it quits can be difficult and emotionally charged. Our comprehensive “Signs Your Marriage Is Over Quiz” may help shed light on the state of your marriage and offer guidance on your best next steps. We will also offer 10 signs that you may be able to save your marriage.

While a marriage quiz can never give you an answer about whether divorce is the best decision for you and your spouse, it can get you thinking and help you discuss crucial relationship issues with your spouse.

20 Signs Your Marriage Is Over Quiz

1- Are you and your spouse experiencing a consistent lack of communication, with little or no effort to resolve conflicts?

Communication breakdown is often an indication that a marriage is deteriorating.

2- Has trust been severely broken, with repeated instances of infidelity or dishonesty?

Trust is a fundamental component of a healthy marriage, and repeated breaches can signal irreparable damage.

3- Have you and your spouse drifted apart, with minimal shared interests, activities, or quality time spent together?

Growing apart and lacking common ground can be a sign that the marriage is no longer fulfilling for both parties.

4- Are you constantly feeling emotionally or physically neglected by your spouse, with their focus primarily on themselves or external sources?

Neglecting the emotional and physical needs of a spouse can indicate a significant disconnect. Emotional intimacy is a crucial component to any happy marriage.

5- Has there been a persistent pattern of resentment and unresolved anger that keeps resurfacing despite efforts to address it?

Unresolved resentment can poison a marriage and hinder any progress toward reconciliation.

6- Are there ongoing financial conflicts or irresponsible behavior regarding money, leading to constant stress and disagreements?

Financial problems and disagreements can put a strain on a marriage and hinder its stability.

7- Have attempts at seeking therapy or couples counseling failed to improve the relationship, with no visible progress?

If professional intervention has proven ineffective, it may indicate deeper issues that are difficult to resolve.

8- Do you and your spouse have different long-term goals and visions for the future that are incompatible?

Conflicting life aspirations can make it challenging to build a shared future and can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction.

9- Have you or your spouse lost interest in physical intimacy and affection, with no desire to rekindle the spark?

A lack of physical intimacy can signify deeper emotional issues or a waning connection.

10- Have you or your spouse contemplated or pursued romantic relationships or emotional connections outside of the marriage?

Seeking emotional or physical fulfillment outside the marriage is often a sign of deep dissatisfaction.

11- Have you or your spouse experienced significant personality changes or destructive behaviors that have negatively impacted the relationship?

Drastic personality changes or harmful behaviors can strain a marriage and make it unsustainable.

12- Have you or your spouse stopped making efforts to resolve conflicts or compromise, opting instead for constant arguments or silent treatment?

A breakdown in conflict resolution can indicate a lack of investment in the relationship.

13- Are you or your spouse experiencing a loss of respect for one another, with contempt or disdain becoming prevalent?

A loss of respect can erode the foundation of a marriage and make it difficult to maintain a healthy relationship.

14- Have you or your spouse grown apart in terms of values, beliefs, or religious practices, resulting in frequent disagreements?

Significant differences in core values and beliefs can create ongoing conflicts and strain the marriage.

15- Are you or your spouse emotionally detached and disinterested in each other’s lives, showing little concern or support?

Emotional detachment can indicate a lack of emotional investment and commitment to the relationship.

16- Has there been a consistent pattern of emotional or physical abuse that shows no signs of improvement?

Any form of abuse is a clear indication that the marriage is toxic and potentially dangerous. If you answered “Yes,” it’s imperative to contact The Hotline or the NCCADV immediately.

17- Do you or your spouse feel trapped in the relationship, with a sense of resentment or a desire for freedom and independence?

Feeling trapped or longing for independence suggests that the marriage may no longer be fulfilling for one or both partners.

18- Have you or your spouse experienced a lack of personal growth or self-improvement within the relationship?

A lack of personal growth or self-improvement within the relationship can signify stagnation and a lack of motivation to invest in the marriage’s development.

19- Are you or your spouse consistently prioritizing individual needs and desires over the well-being and happiness of the marriage as a whole?

Consistently prioritizing individual needs over the relationship’s needs can indicate a lack of commitment and willingness to compromise.

20- Do you or your spouse genuinely believe that divorce may be the best solution for both parties to find happiness and fulfillment?

When both individuals genuinely believe that divorce is the most viable option for their overall well-being and happiness, it may indicate that the marriage has reached its end.

Scoring Your Answers

If you find that your answer to more than one of the questions is “Yes,” seek out counseling or work through some marriage self-help books together. If you answered “yes” to more than half of these questions, definitely consider marriage counseling if you haven’t already! You have some obvious struggles in your marriage.

Another idea would be to go to counseling on your own to see if your perspective is affected by a personality disorder. Counseling can also help diagnose whether you’re struggling with another problem, such as depression.

Often, when one or both spouses have mental health issues, finding ways to cope better can bring a whole new perspective for both spouses. 

And, of course, you may decide it’s time to end your marriage. In North Carolina, you must live separately for an entire year before you can file for a divorce. Often, this break gives couples time to think.

When Are Marriages Worth Saving?

Understanding when you can save a marriage is also crucial. Only you can decide when your marriage is worth fighting for. Just as people grow apart, they can also grow back together. A marriage may be showing signs that it is going through bad times but has hope.

So here are 10 good indicators that you may be capable of finding answers and going the long haul together.

1- Willingness to Seek Help

Both spouses acknowledge the troubles in the marriage and are open to seeking professional help, such as couples therapy or marriage counseling, to address the issues.

2- Continued Effort

Despite the challenges, both spouses show a consistent effort to work on the marriage, demonstrating a commitment to making positive changes and finding solutions.

3- Open Communication

There is an environment of open and honest communication where both partners feel comfortable expressing their needs, concerns, and emotions without fear of judgment or backlash.

4- Mutual Respect

Despite the difficulties, there is a foundation of respect between both spouses, and they treat each other with kindness and consideration, even during conflicts.

5- Shared Values

The couple shares fundamental values and beliefs that form the basis of their relationship, providing a strong common ground and a sense of shared purpose.

6- Emotional Connection

Both partners still have a genuine emotional bond and care for each other, even if it has been temporarily overshadowed by the challenges they face.

7- Willingness to Compromise

Both spouses are open to compromising and finding a middle ground on important issues, demonstrating a willingness to meet each other’s needs and find solutions that benefit the marriage as a whole.

8- Intimacy and Affection

Despite the difficulties, there is still a desire for physical intimacy and affection, and both spouses are willing to work on rebuilding and nurturing that aspect of their relationship.

9- Shared Responsibility

Both partners take responsibility for their actions and are willing to work on their own personal growth and improvement, acknowledging their role in the difficulties they face as a couple.

10- History of Positive Moments

The marriage has a history of positive and happy moments, indicating that there is potential for the relationship to be rekindled and rebuilt with effort and dedication.

Bottom Line

It’s important to note that while these characteristics suggest a marriage where you may be able to imagine staying together, the truth is that every situation is different. Professional guidance can help you determine the best course of action.

Talking with your spouse about whether you can both continue seeking each other out as your partner and the person you spend time with is crucial. Communicate with each other and older, wiser couples who may have wisdom to share.

We Can Help

At Cape Fear Law, we can help you work through the difficulties of separation and divorce. We understand how daunting it can be to end a relationship you’ve invested in for years. You may even have children together. However, if it’s time to move on, talk with us about North Carolina law so that you understand your rights.

In our state, there are many factors that determine whether you may be eligible for post-separation support or alimony, or child support. You’ll also need to settle issues such as equitable distribution of your assets, child custody, and child visitation.

If you’ve decided to go forward with a separation, get in touch today. We can help you work out the best results for your unique situation and start finding hope again for your future.